Resources for Home Organization and Storage
Mastering Kitchen Organization: Making Lower Cabinets Shine
by Shelley Davis | Jan 22, 2024 | Slide Out Shelves, Custom Storage Solutions, Tips & Tricks
Are your lower kitchen cabinets a source of frustration due to clutter and disorganization? Dive into this blog to uncover ingenious solutions that will transform your lower cabinets into organized and efficient storage spaces. Explore pull-out shelves, custom storage options, and clever ideas to make your daily kitchen tasks more convenient. Say goodbye to kitchen chaos and hello to a well-organized culinary haven!
Tips to reduce stress and anxiety at home
by harmonyhomec | Feb 3, 2023 | Tips & Tricks
Feeling stressed and anxious at home? Tired of feeling like a chicken with its head cut off? It’s common to feel overwhelmed at times. So, we’ve gone in search of some tips to help calm the chaos in our lives. We don’t claim to be experts, but these tips have helped...
Can Closet Organization Really Help You Save Time?
by harmonyhomec | Jan 30, 2023 | Creative Closet Design
Seventeen minutes a day is what researchers state is the average time spent in a closet each day trying to figure out what to wear. That’s 6,205 minutes a year or about 4-1/2 days! Slide Out Shelf Solutions is excited to announce a solution for this problem - Creative...
7 Solutions for Relieving & Reducing Back Pain
by harmonyhomec | Jan 16, 2023 | Tips & Tricks
Back pain is a common problem, especially as we age, and it is highly likely that you or someone you know suffers from back pain. While there are many medical options for dealing with back pain, there are also some effective, non-medical strategies that can help! We...
Custom Storage Solutions Help Our Clients Get Organized to Keep them off Their Hands and Knees
by harmonyhomec | Aug 22, 2022 | Custom Storage Solutions
Below is a real testimonial from our client's Brad and Annette who had custom slide out shelves installed in their home July of 2021 and the transformation they experienced. "My wife went through breast cancer and I knew that slide out shelves would help to make her...
Installing custom slide out shelves became its own business to increase existing cabinet storage.
by harmonyhomec | Jul 25, 2022 | Slide Out Shelves
Since 2007, Phil Davis, owner of The Best Home Guys, has been installing slide out shelves for customers as a normal part of his handyman business. In the fall of 2018, he began to think that due to the demand for these uniquely helpful solutions and the...
My Dream Space: Storage & Organization
by harmonyhomec | Jun 16, 2022 | Creative Closet Design, Custom Storage Solutions
Everyone dreams of having a perfectly organized and easily accessible space. Am I right, or am I right? Or is that just me?! n I know there are some of you out there who share similar dreams as me; of alphabetically-organized spices, a perfect pantry, neatly stacked...
Spring is in the Air!
by harmonyhomec | Mar 24, 2022 | Home Organization
We've had some weird weather leading up to the beginning of spring this year, but we still made it! We often get the urge to start cleaning with the return of spring, while shedding the layers we've accumulated over the winter months - literally and figuratively. So...
Organization Tips & Tricks
by harmonyhomec | Mar 14, 2022 | Home Organization
I don’t know about you, but it seems like when spring is right around the corner, I NEED to organize and straighten things up. The clutter of the winter months starts to get to me and it’s time for a fresh start! And this year, I decided to add some storage containers...
Storage Solutions to meet all your organizing needs!
by harmonyhomec | Feb 15, 2022 | Slide Out Shelves, Home Organization
Do you have deep drawers throughout your home that are hard to open? We have custom built and installed slide out shelves to replace existing drawer boxes, so you no longer have to tug and pull with all your might to be able to open them. Plus, you won't have to worry...

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